Building self esteem tips- Part 1- One Minute with Jay

This will be the first of a short series on building self esteem tips.

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Okay now with that out of the way let’s talk. Self esteem is the emotional worth you place on yourself and if you do not deem yourself worthy (or worthless)then it is likely you are attracting worthless people/events into your life.

If you rated yourself on a scale of one to ten (ten being Madonna confident, one being you cannot even look in the mirror without criticizing yourself) where would you fall?

If you would rate yourself as a 5 or lower I believe that there is still some work to do.

The tip for today is to pick out one trait about yourself that you like. I don’t care if it’s only your beautiful elbows. Whatever it is begin to concentrate on what makes you attractive. What can you add to a relationship?


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Dealing with a lack of motivation- One Minute with Jay

When dealing with a lack of motivation I prefer to increase physical activity.

I can’t tell you how many times I did not want to study, or complete homework especially as an adult working towards advanced degrees.

It’s tough. Currently, I fight staying on a healthy diet. I’m trying to limit my carbs….but boyyy sometimes double cheeseburgers ? start calling my name.

That’s why I exercise. Not to have an excuse to bury my face in glorious ground beef on toasted seasame buns but to combat my motivation droughts.

I learned that physical activity increases cognitive ability. So I can increase my concentration by taking a walk or jog or even hitting the dumbbells real quick.

The next time you feel unmotivated try to get moving and go back to whatever was the object of your procrastination.


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Define Delayed Gratification- One Minute with Jay

As we define delayed gratification I immediately think about reaching financial goals. Jim Rohn speaks about a fundamental difference between the wealthy and the not so wealthy.

What is it?

The ability to delay gratification.

This is a key because you cannot just get a fortune overnight, or have the perfect salary, or the perfect body (zero percent body fat, baby oiled glistening abs that you can bounce quarters off of. Maybe I’m only talking for myself :)) It takes time, it is a process and the wealthy learn to set long term goals.

The strategy is planning for the long game. What will it take to save 10K, 20K, 50K? You may say to me “But hold on I don’t make alot of money Jay. I don’t know what type of checks you get but I’m on a fixed income. I have bills.” I hear you. So do I. But if you take your goal and break it up over 5 years it may suddenly become more manageable and easier to save towards it each paycheck.

Delayed gratification isn’t a forever thing, it’s temporary, it’s a building process, it creates high tolerance and patience in the process, it qualifies you and gives staying power (because you had to work for it, you won’t give up as easily in tough times).


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You can change your mind- You do not have to be unhappy

In this video Dr. Joe Dispenza discusses the why behind being unhappy and what can be done to change it. I really like this because he demonstrates that you can change your mind and you do not have to be unhappy.

There is a very interesting piece about how there is a refractory period.

Basically there is period where a mood changes into your temperament. If you stay attached to that emotion too long, it then changes from temperament into your actual personality.

One way to shorten this period is through meditation.

If you have been experiencing a bad mood for way too long, this is worth watching.

Let me know what you think.


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