Phase two is in effect. Let’s talk about how it affects your outlook or maybe it doesn’t…
Are you building new Habits?
How are you handling all this STUFF going on around you?
It ain’t easy on parents, kids, households in general.
Even the single folks out there. Sometimes it’s tough just getting along with ourselves and now we have all this time to just….
And sit.
I encourage you to take a small part of all of this newfound abundance of time to work on your habits.
Just add a new, tiny skill to something you are already doing. My video above goes into more detail on how to do that.
You have nothing but time UTILIZE it. Please. This is a public service announcement brought to in part by the good people at….welll me. Gracias.
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How A&J End Their Day EP 16
All of my business owners and aspiring business owners hear my plea.
Read MoreHow to enjoy every moment of your life
Life consists of small moments in time. Each moment is a chance to build someone up or tear them down. How are you spending your moments each hour? How do you enjoy every moment of your life? You become aware that someone’s life can be …
Read MoreThere is no Competition
There is no such thing as competition. We create competition. If destiny exists then competition cannot. You cannot beat me to certain resources or a certain thing I desire because destiny has to be fulfilled. . . and it is specific to each individual person. …
Read MoreWhat are you thinking about?
You are what you think. Think on what is good, what is noble, what is pure, what is admirable. We all want to be admired at some level but are we thinking on admirable things? If not, our actions cannot follow.
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Too Short
Life is too short to hold on to any hostility towards anyone. This holds true especially with family. I have family members that have continually over the years done horrible things to my mom and sister (lying , stealing. etc). And guess what? I still …
Read MoreYou are in Control
If your job is bogging you down, whether that be due to the environment your higher ups have created, lack of being paid what you are worth, or just plain boredom… CHANGE IT. Either influence the environment around you by leading change right where you …
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