I have tested this for myself and know that this is a great practice because it has helped me. When I wake up around 5 AM, read something quick that inspires me, work out for 20 to 25 minutes, then make my plan of …
Read MorePower small wins- Celebrate the small victories- One Minute with Jay
After talking on the phone and then sitting face to face with a workout buddy of mine last week, I realized that I had to write about how to power small wind and why you should celebrate the small victories. I could hear her voice …
Read MoreYou were created to have love- One Minute with Jay
Someone that has been alone for a longggggggggggggggggggg time may argue with me on this. Heck, my own mother may argue with me on this but you were created to have love. And not just the snotty nose, Danimals Yogurt kind of love. Forgive me, …
Read MoreWhy setting goals important
In my post last sunday, Goals are not enough I talked about writing your goals down in order to refer to them. Today, why setting goals important is a follow up to be used with the video from last week. This process is important for …
Read MoreMeaning of faith without works is dead- One Minute with Jay
I have the upmost faith in you. The fact that you are reading this post means that you have some amount of faith and all you need is a small measure in order to spark positive change. I know that about you. I also know …
Read MoreGoals are not enough- One minute with Jay
Your goals are not enough. Try some of the quick techniques I use to stay on track. They are simple and ensure you keep focused attention on them.
More to come.
If helpful comment and share below.
Read MoreStop self limiting beliefs- One minute with Jay
The title of today’s post is stop self limiting beliefs for one reason:
We all have something that when we are on the verge of trying something new or exciting it speaks “You don’t have what it takes.” When was the last time you heard that voice? How often do you hear that voice?
This may be a voice of your own construction. A voice you created to hold yourself back so you can rest in the comfort of whatever box seemed reasonable.
Now this isn’t a bad thing. We all want to be comfortable and if that was a goal you set for yourself (which you met) then I applaud you.
But what if the ceiling of that box is stifling you? What if your unhappiness is a result of what you believe about yourself?
Then you owe it to your future to change the narrative inside of your head.
I have a student that told me he wants to own a business. I then asked him do you believe that you can have a business? He says “Ummm yea but I’m a kid and don’t have business school training, they ain’t taught me that yet.”
I asked who in the heck are they? He responds “You know, the teachers and stuff.” I told him that if he is waiting on a teacher to give him the keys to his business then he will be waiting the rest of his life.
And that is a problem we all face. We create a limit and then try to find outside evidence in our lives to support why the limit is there.
Listen, they ain’t stopping you. Only you have the power to stop you.
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