What is the purpose of a Mastermind Group- One Minute with Jay

What is this Mastermind that you speak of? A mastermind is a collection of like minded people that are looking to solve particular issues in their lives, growth in a certain area, or the sharing of information for a specific purpose. The idea is for …

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Power Posture- Quick way to boost Confidence

power pose coachjulianhill.com

For the longest time I thought that a power pose was some kind of yogi-bent over awkwardly-hands behind the back-clasping thingy you did to get more flexible. But power posture is actually a way to quickly change our self confidence. Body language changes how the …

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Work in your Strength- One Minute with Jay

Some of us experience so much frustration at work after taking advice from a manager that recommends we move into a particular area or job. Or somewhere down the line, we took advice from someone that had great intentions but didn’t know our potential. This …

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Plan in New Year- One Minute with Jay

Everyone is saying new year, new me. Cut it out. Make sure you plan in the new year. Have a plan and work that baby for the whole year.

You do not need to be a whole new person to have success in this new year. You do need to make a plan that is easy to follow and do no matter how you feel.

Feelings get in the way of success. “Oh I don’t feel like waking up early.” “I don’t feel like complimenting my spouse.” “I don’t feel like reaching daily to find new prospects for my business.”

It’s not about what you feel but what are you doing when your mood is the exact opposite of what you want. Do you give in? Or do you remind yourself of the alternative, which is to let another year go by without being any closer to what you want.

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Out with the past in with the

You may ask yourself why did he not finish the heading “Out with the past in with the?” In with the what? The New? Nope.

In with dream. I cannot say in with new because your dream is nothing new. It has always been inside of you, just buried under a bunch of stuff.

Stuff like: other people’s expectations, family expectations, what your wife agrees with, what hubby thinks, what your friends think is acceptable.

So much so that you forgot to dream. Forgot who you are and why you were placed here. Maybe you never really thought about it at all because you always followed what you saw other people around you do.

I’m not trying to beat you up. I want you to Dream again or dream for the first time.

Where can you have the most impact? What the things you are good at?

Do you have some ideas in your head? Good. Now combine them. How can you use what comes the most easily to you to affect the most people in a positive way?

This is the first step to finding out who you really are.

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Teachers Quitting Teaching- At an Alarming Rate- One Minute with Jay

 I am shocked at how many teachers are leaving their jobs or should I say how many have left in 2018. What scares me is if this trend continues. Who will teach my daughter? My future kids? Without wise teachers I would not have …

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