Realistic Vs Unrealistic Expectations- One Minute with Jay

realistic vs unrealistic expectations on a timeline

 Your level of disappointment is tied to your realistic vs unrealistic expectations. Sometimes we place too much within a short timeline, when we could do the opposite. I’m on a weight loss kick this week so let’s continue that theme. I see Facebook posts …

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How to stay focused in your goals especially in tough times

live your dream theunboundblog

How to stay focused IN your goals and not just on your goals sounds a little weird at first but let me explain. Your goals have to live in you not on you. If you can picture your desires as a coat or t-shirt then …

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Why imagination important- Overcome Obstacle One Minute with Jay

Today’s one minute with Jay is called Why imagination important- Overcome Obstacle. Your imagination is the key to unlock or overcome your obstacle. Instead of viewing your problem as a preventative force, try to see it as something that can be worked around. If you …

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Handle being passed over promotion- Build from your leftovers

How do you handle being passed over promotion? What is there to gain from failure? Somebody help me figure out what to do while getting passed over promotion. These may be some of questions when you give your all, throw your complete self at a …

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