When are you considered wealthy?- What is true wealth?- One Minute with Jay

When are you considered wealthy? What is true wealth?

Wealth goes beyond what you have in your pocket. If you are wealthy from a holistic perspective then your entire person is prosperous.

This has to do with your workout routine. How often do you work out? Are you putting the right things into your body?

Do you have a good eating habits? Or are you just eating whatever, whenever, however?

Talk to me about your personality and your heart. Can you take direction? Are you able to take constructive criticism and turn it into something fruitful? Would your closest friends consider you to be the embodiment of love?

Being in love is displaying an affection towards everyone who you interact with even the people you don’t like!

Only after we take a look at the whole person can we discuss what’s in your wallet.

Tell me what is the wealth to you?

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Focus Outcome Not Process- One Minute with Jay

Focus on the outcome and not the process because the end result is what you are working for.

I hate running but love how I feel afterwards: lighter, faster, stronger, energetic. But I have to get over how I feel in my head.

I dread the sweat in my eyes, the pain I sometimes in my knees. But I keep going because I know and remind myself of what I am running for.

Your race is not over, focus on the outcome, remind yourself of the why behind starting your race.


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Resumes that stand out- Pass the 30 Second Test- One Minute with Jay


Resumes that stand out typically pass a 30 second test. If you give your resume to an absolute stranger will they be able to figure out:

1. What type of job you are applying for?

2. What qualifications make you unique?

And the stranger has to be able to do this in 30 seconds or less. That’s about how long a recruiter or busy hiring manager will look at your resume.

Being an HR Manager myself and when we had to fill 10 to 15 entry level jobs I did not have the time to over analyze each sheet of paper.

I had to make quick decisions on whether to interview or not, while thumbing through sometimes hundreds of resumes.

And those were just the resumes that our ATS narrowed down. There is a technique for getting the ATS from passing over your qualifications as well.

Check out the video above and let me know if you have comments or how I can help you.


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Trust in the timing of your life- One Minute with Jay

Trust in the timing of your life. Your life my not look like someone else’s.

Your path may not look like your friend’s path or your neighbor’s path.

We all have our individual road to travel and it’s okay if it takes longer. I am learning this in my own life while trying to have a child with my wife. We have been trying for close to a year now and nothing has happened.

The doctors can’t explain it, they just keep saying to keep trying. Frustration is setting in but I know my path may not be similar to anyone around me.

If I get caught up in how easy it has been for others then I will never receive my own bundle of joy.

In the same regard you may be trying to give birth to something wonderful. A new business, new idea, new way of living but the process may be slow.

I’m here to tell you that it is okay for the movement to be slow, as long as you do not give up on yourself.

Trust the timing in your life is perfect, even if late by your standards. Your baby will come when it is time. #trustintheprocess


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