Increasing Your Happiness- 2 Easy Ways- Minutes with Jay

Increasing your happiness does not have to be hard. There are easy ways to gain more energy and just be overall happier.

One way is through real meditation. I get into the definition on this in my video. I am not talking about sitting in a room humming for hours on end or chanting weird tribal bird sounds with a group of strangers.

The second way is to get more sleep. Sleep repairs a lot of what you lose or give out during the day.

These are actionable, down to earth ways. If you haven’t watched the video, go for it! The video talks about these aspects in a little more detail.

Also, stayed tuned for my video tomorrow for even more benefits of sleep on your health.

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Building Self Esteem Tips- Part 2

This is the second installment of building self esteem tips. I go a little more in depth in this video, giving you a practical way to begin to change your self talk.

To check out the first installment on self esteem just click here.

For this video you will need a pencil and a sheet of paper to begin recording your inner daily dialogue.

Remember to comment below. Gracias!

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Learning through problems- The purpose of problems

The purpose of your problems hits you in a few different levels. Level 1 is the introduction of direction. You are lead down a path that you normally would not choose. Forced to take action. Level 2 is the test. The test is designed to …

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Learning through problems

Learning through problems is a tough assignment. Many situations we encounter help to sidetrack us from purpose.

Sometimes we just don’t understand our situations or feel that somehow this is only happening to us. BUT a lack of understanding should not stop your progress or growth.

Consider that whatever you are facing is making and will make you stronger. Cliche? Yes. Truth? Oh yea. Just like weights, the heavier your problems get, the stronger you become.

That strength will allow you to eventually pick up more/do more/help lift someone else up….if you let it.

You cannot be a resource to anyone if you are not strong yourself. There is so much we can learn from what happens to us.

Stay tuned for my post tomorrow that will discuss what we can actually learn. I’m thinking I will cover 3 or more points about the purpose of problems.

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