My biggest failure or at least one of my biggest failures is why I believe that failure leads success. A pain point of my life is the lack of role modeling or mentoring I gave my little brother.
While we grew up in the same household I set the best example that I could, going to work while in high school, running my own grass cutting business and spending time trying to teach him right from wrong.
I tried to be a father figure, stand in the gap but he resented my advice that I would give.
I went to college and had to hear how he escalated from graffiti to worse crimes, eventually disappearing for a year. Then we received a call, “the call.” “Are you willing to accept a call from___?”
He was in jail.
I spent so time studying, working on campus, internships.
I instantly felt like I failed my little brother.
I could have spent more time with him, even if he didn’t want to hear my mouth. I could have encouraged him more, been an ear to help keep him from the streets.
Mind you I was only a kid myself, with my own baggage but I could have done more. This regret in part fuels my desire to mentor. I learned that sometimes the people that don’t want to be mentored are the one’s that need it the most.
Part of mission is to reach as many people as possible & break their negative thinking. What failures have created your success or are creating your success?
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