Career Management Development

Career management development begins with adding value in very specific way.

Many of us trying to climb the proverbial success ladder think that we have to constantly compete. But it’s not about competition at all.

Fighting for your next promotion or a new job is all about being a complementary piece to your boss or team.

Oh, I recently spoke with a friend that told me he hates the word boss. So let me rephrase that: be a complementary piece to your manager, director, principal, team lead, or your actual team if you happen to be the manager.

Add value by helping them achieve their goals. Become accustomed to underpromising and over delivering (giving way more than expected, even when you feel like it won’t be reciprocated). This will only help you achieve yours in the process.

Once you prove that you are interested and able to help (by results people, the results are proof) then you can begin to further the conversation about development and promotion.

You see,  the conversations actually began when you started to add value.

How can you assist someone else achieve their objectives?

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