Notice the m-word

Miracles are happening everyday. Do you notice them? It is a miracle that you were able to wake up this morning. It is miraculous that you are able to read this blog post.

There was a whole society of people who couldn’t read for millions of years. Did you have heat on in your apartment today when you woke up? Yup….the m-word again. I woke up so hot that I had to turn down the thermostat and put on shorts. Mind you its around 30 degrees in the middle of winter.

I go to turn down my heat and receive some good news.

Someone close to me (who shall remain nameless per request) has been struggling with losing weight for a few months now. I have been constantly telling them to keep going, log all food items, and increase cardio.

Finally the advice was heeded a couple of weeks ago and through careful observation of all food intake/workout regimen she noticed two things:

  1. That she was eating healthy (salads, chicken, veggies, no carbs) but she was actually eating too much. Her total calories for a day was well over what she needed to lose weight.
  2. Even though she was training in a gym 5 days a week, she was not burning enough calories.

Soooo she made some changes in her diet, cut back on the size of her salads, runs before she trains, and this week has finally loss 2.5 pounds…………………………………..wait for it………………………………………………………….


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